



大客戶熱線:18961877717 銷售專線:18961877705/18961877911/18961526737 加工專線:18168859767 咨詢熱線:0510-81817838/81817833 國際貿易聯系人:微信/Whatsapp:+86-18290469401 International trade contact person:wechat /Whatsapp:+86-18290469401


無錫寶能不銹鋼有限公司成立于2013年,地處經濟繁榮的中國長三角經濟圈腹地國內最大的不銹鋼集散地-江蘇.無錫.新南方不銹鋼交易中心,地理位置優越,交通便利。是山西太原鋼鐵、張家港浦項、上海寶鋼集團的核心代理商,與酒鋼、聯眾 寧波寶新、青山控股 福建宏旺,德龍、東特等國內外大型鋼廠建立了長期戰略合作伙伴關系,產品涵蓋了不銹鋼所有系列。



Wuxi Baoneng Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., established in 2013, is located in the hinterland of China's Yangtze River Delta economic circle, the largest stainless steel distribution center in China - Jiangsu Wuxi Xinnan stainless steel trading center, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. It is the core agent of Shanxi Taiyuan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Zhangjiagang Posco and Shanghai Baosteel Group. It has established long-term strategic partnership with Jiuquan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Lianzhong Ningbo Baoxin iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Qingshan holding, Fujian Hongwang iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Delong dongte iron and steel Co., Ltd. and other large domestic and foreign steel plants. Its products cover all series of stainless steel.

The company specializes in stainless steel products sales, processing and technical services. Main business for stainless steel coil, stainless steel pipe, stainless steel spot sales and cutting molding. The main business materials are 201, 304, 304L, 304d, 310S, 309S, 316L, 2205, 2507, 904L and 400 series. The warehouse is ready for stock all the year round. The stainless steel coil, precision steel strip, steel pipe, Guangyuan, angle steel, channel steel, flat steel and other products have complete specifications and sufficient supply. The company has a processing operation zone, which can provide stainless steel processing and distribution services for users. The introduction of world-class processing equipment, cutting, grinding, machining, welding, forming and other processing services, processing capacity of 20000 t / month, to meet the diverse processing requirements of customers. The company's products are mainly used in electric furnace, boiler, pressure vessel, electric heating equipment, petroleum, chemical, textile, printing and dyeing, environmental protection, food, decoration, medicine and other equipment manufacturing industries.

Our company has been deeply rooted in the stainless steel industry for 12 years, and has formed its own brand characteristics, and is entering a new stage of strategic development. We are realistic and pragmatic, forge ahead, establish the enterprise with sincerity and strengthen the enterprise with faith. In line with the survival concept of "market is the sea, enterprise is the ship, quality is the sail, people are the helmsman", starting from the "heart" to serve our customers.cation and convenient transportation. It is the core agent of Shanxi Taiyuan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Zhangjiagang Posco and Shanghai Baosteel Group. It has established long-term strategic partnership with Jiuquan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Lianzhong Ningbo Baoxin iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Qingshan holding, Fujian Hongwang iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Delong dongte iron and steel Co., Ltd. and other large domestic and foreign steel plants. Its products cover all series of stainless steel.

The company specializes in stainless steel products sales, processing and technical services. Main business for stainless steel coil, stainless steel pipe, stainless steel spot sales and cutting molding. The main business materials are 201, 304, 304L, 304d, 310S, 309S, 316L, 2205, 2507, 904L and 400 series. The warehouse is ready for stock all the year round. The stainless steel coil, precision steel strip, steel pipe, Guangyuan, angle steel, channel steel, flat steel and other products have complete specifications and sufficient supply. The company has a processing operation zone, which can provide stainless steel processing and distribution services for users. The introduction of world-class processing equipment, cutting, grinding, machining, welding, forming and other processing services, processing capacity of 20000 t / month, to meet the diverse processing requirements of customers. The company's products are mainly used in electric furnace, boiler, pressure vessel, electric heating equipment, petroleum, chemical, textile, printing and dyeing, environmental protection, food, decoration, medicine and other equipment manufacturing industries.

Our company has been deeply rooted in the stainless steel industry for 12 years, and has formed its own brand characteristics, and is entering a new stage of strategic development. We are realistic and pragmatic, forge ahead, establish the enterprise with sincerity and strengthen the enterprise with faith. In line with the survival concept of "market is the sea, enterprise is the ship, quality is the sail, people are the helmsman", starting from the "heart" to serve our customers.

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